Topics of Interest

There are many topics of interest to consider when deciding how to respond to the HCA mandate. The upcoming vote at Town Meeting on March 23 is highly consequential. 

Understanding the practical implications of Article 3 (the proposed Lincoln Station Rezoning Option) if it is developed to its fullest capacity is critical to crafting meaningful and enforceable Zoning Bylaws and Guidelines and to making an informed vote.  

When thinking about approving development of up to 800 units of high density housing within 1/2 a mile of Lincoln Station, we need to give serious consideration to the following topics:

Insights into some of these topics will appear here.  Common sense dictates that we need to be curious about probable eventualities--even if there are promises that studies will be conducted prior to any development.  Pragmatists don't leave such big issues to chance.  This website will continue to be updated as more information is collected.  Meanwhile, take the time to inform yourself and talk with your neighbors and friends about practical considerations related to HCA compliance through the Article 3's Rezoning Option (a.k.a. Option C).  What are your concerns?  Discuss them while you can!

Do you have expertise in any of the areas listed above?  Share your thoughts—We'd like to hear from you!  Contact Us.